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Association of German Glassblowers

The Verband Deutscher Glasbläser e.V. is a politically independent association for the protection of professional interests and promotion of the exchange of experience among its members since its foundation in 1972. Annual conferences are held at which lectures and practical demonstrations as well as company tours are offered. Exhibitors, handicrafts, specialist books, glass processing machines, tools, etc. accompany these seminars.  A quarterly trade journal (VDG-Nachrichten) is also published with information, tips and tricks on the subject of glass.

Der Vorstand des VDG

Peter Schweifel


Peter Schweifel trained as a glass instrument maker at the University of Münster. He stayed there for eight years, then left the profession for three years and worked as the head of a youth education center and at the same time as a youth education officer. But he returned to his real love, the glass apparatus construction. National and international contacts in glass apparatus construction are important to him. In this way, he succeeds in recognizing developments in glass apparatus construction and helping to shape them.


Anja Reynolds

1. Deputy Chairperson

Anja Reynolds is also one of the familiar faces in the VDG. Already in 2003 she was active on the board as an editor and helped to shape the association newspaper. After replacing Robert Wölfl as cashier and taking care of the cash register for two years, she has been facing new challenges since 2019.


Mara Schwanke

Secretary / 2nd Deputy Chairwoman

Mara Schwanke discovered the profession of glass apparatus maker for herself in 2016. She completed her education at the Technical University of Dortmund, where she is still employed. She has been a member of the VDG Board of Directors since 2021.


Peter Bentivoglio

1. Spokesperson of the Advisory Board

Peter Bentivoglio worked as a master glass apparatus builder in a wide variety of areas of responsibility and in the most diverse areas of manual and automated hot processing of glass. It feels like he has already worked in every second relevant company, and he knows the majority of the other companies from the inside, as well as the glass colleges and the university and institute glass blowing companies.At numerous training courses and symposia, as a lecturer, he has introduced prospective glass apparatus builders, employees, customers and users to topics relating to glass apparatus construction.

Peter Bentivoglio has been Production Manager at Lenz Laborglas GmbH & Co. KG since 2019.


Waldemar Ajrich

2. Spokesperson of the Advisory Board

Waldemar Ajrich has many years of experience as a responsible trainer for glass apparatus builders and process mechanics - glass technology at DWK LifeSciences. At the wertheim vocational school, he is responsible for practical lessons as a technical teacher and is a member of the examination board of the IHK Heilbronn. Waldemar Ajrich has been working at Lenz Laborglas GmbH & Co. KG since 2020 for the social partner talks on the reorganization of the training regulations, with a focus on reactor construction and process optimization.

Sebastian Sander


Sebastian Sander passed the journeyman's examination in 2006 and worked for several years in glass research at the Fraunhofer Institute in Würzburg after completing his studies. He has been working at BSZ Wertheim since 2015 and teaches the next generation of our profession.

He passed on his post as 1st Deputy Chairman to Anja Reynolds at the 2019 General Assembly and has been taking care of the association's finances ever since.


Sabine Hesz-Kahl


Sabine Hesz-Kahl has been supporting the VDG in the office since February 2018 in the administration of member data. It is available for e-mail correspondence, inquiries, correspondence and on the telephone. There are organizational tasks, such as .B the annual dispatch of membership fee invoices. The preparation and implementation of the conferences with the conference office is also one of their tasks.


Thomas Niess


Thomas Nieß received his training at the Technical University of Munich, then worked at Siemens in Munich, where he manufactured products made of quartz glass for semiconductor technology for 15 years. During this period, he continued his training as a master craftsman and passed the master craftsman's examination at the Staatliche Glasfachschule Zwiesel and the Handwerkskammer Niederbayern Oberpfalz in Passau.

Since 2000 he has been working as a workshop manager in the glassblowing workshop of the University of Tübingen. With the issue 04/2019 began his time in the editorial office of the VDG. Since the conference in Wertheim in 2021, he has been the representative of the editorial team on the board.



Openness, transparency and representation of the interests of all VDG members are important points of our board work for us. Our cooperation should be constructive, goal-oriented and comprehensible for everyone. In a professional association like the VDG, ALL members are of great importance, each individual has his professional competence, no matter whether young or old.

The youth in the association is our future, so we want to promote and strengthen it. An internship abroad? The start of your professional life? European funding programmes, such as ERASMUS, XCHANGE or LEONARDO DA VINCI, help with the organisation and financing, we support the youth with our experience that we have already gained in this area. Together with the youth representatives and their ideas, we will be able to implement good youth work.

Für eine zielorientierte, vielfältige Arbeit, sind die älteren Mitglieder des VDG wichtig. Ihr Fachwissen und ihre Lebenserfahrung können unsere Gemeinschaft nur bereichern.
Die gemeinsamen Erfahrungen sind wesentlich für die Ausrichtung des Verbandes.

It is important to us to strengthen the national and international reputation of the VDG. The professional exchange with colleagues from other countries is very exciting and brings us a variety of experiences on our way to our own professional future. We have already gained many positive experiences in this area and are pleased that other VDG members also support us with their national and international experience.

We are for an open, transparent community, for an association that lives from its members, their expertise, their personal skills and the passion of each individual member for his profession.

We are passionate about our profession and for the association, we would like to share this passion with all members.