Conferences of the VDG

Every year, the Verband Deutscher Glasbläser e.V. organizes a training seminar in the course of the general meeting, to which speakers from business, research, but also from the circle of association members give lectures on technology, development or occupational safety.
In addition to the lectures, there will be company tours at well-known companies that have asserted themselves in the field of glass.
Every 2 years, a workshop offers the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues and to quickly identify and shape new trends. In the workshops, various working techniques and tricks, as well as the latest tools, burners and machines are demonstrated.

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Lectures Conferences Weilburg 2022

Der Live Stream aus Lauscha



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Die Streams sind auch noch nachträglich verfügbar und online auf dem YouTube Kanal des VDG unter folgendem link vorhanden vorhanden:

Hier gehts zum stream: