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We see ourselves as a link between all members, the Board of Directors and the Council of Elders. Transparency, openness and communication are particularly important to us. Supporting the Executive Board in its tasks is also one of our activities. In order to work on the many tasks and to act in the spirit of the VDG, we meet regularly in various parts of Germany. This also gives us great insights into other glassblowing companies, which are always willingly opened to us.

Tasks of the Advisory Board

  •     To develop activities of the association
  •     To support the Executive Board in the performance of its duties
  •     Leadership of regional groups
  •     To review complaints and suggestions from the circle of members and to settle them in agreement with the board
  •     Creating the VDG-N
  •     Active participation in the training seminars

    The detailed explanation can be found in the statutes under § 8.

    If you have any further questions about our activities or are also interested in supporting the association as an advisory board member, we look forward to hearing from you.
